| **** Hübsch-niedlicher Klampfen-Song, der mit leichtem Beat ganz rund läuft ... zwar unscheinbar ... fragile halt ... |
| *** Het is geen wereldschijf maar plezant kun je dit liedje van Andy Grammer toch wel noemen. |
| **** Lekker relaxed plaatje. |
| ** ▒ Na 3x beluisteren kom ik persoonlijk toch tot de conclusie dat dit saaie en toch ook wat ééntonige plaatje uit juli 2016 van de 32 jarige Amerikaanse zanger, songschrijver en gitarist: "Andrew 'Andy' Grammer", in de buurt van een voldoende komt bij mij ☺!!! |
| *** Pleasant but uninteresting white guy pop. 3.25 |
| ***** ^^^^<br><br><br>But I am enjoying this more right now :P Last edited: 04.02.2017 06:28 |
| **** It's fine. |
| *** Aardig. Meer kan je misschien niet verwachten van deze 'Sky Radio'-zanger. |
| **** Ja, hübsch und niedlich bringen es auf den Punkt. So der typische Hintergrund-Song, wundert mich daher nicht dass er bei Spotify so erfolgreich ist, doch downloaden will's trotzdem kaum jemand. -4* |
| ** Zum dafür auch noch Geld ausgeben ist das zu gewöhnlich und langweilig. Ich muss hier schwach bewerten, weil mir dieser Sound - zumindest dieser Song - mittlerweile meine Ohren zum kotzen bringen. |
| *** Naja, dieser Sound ist meines Erachtens jetzt aber nicht unbedingt etwas, das ausschließlich in unserer Zeit überpräsent ist. Sicherlich ist die Nummer etwas loungig angehoust, aber netten Gitarren-Klampfsound dieser Couleur gibt es doch schon seit eh und je. Macht die Nummer natürlich trotzdem nicht unbedingt spannender. |
| *** Drei Sternchen sind für diesen gewöhnlichen Klampfensound schon drin. Mehr aber nicht. Auch die Stimme ist nicht besonders. |
| *** Tolerable but quite uninteresting. |
| *** What irelander said.<br><br>I was certainly expecting much worse.<br><br>3.25* |
| *** Mässig spannend. |
| *** Tolerable. |
| **** I haven't enjoyed numerous of his releases from the past few years so I was surprised when I ended up liking this. I'm going to blame that guitar riff, which seems to get me almost every time it's present in a hit. It's also quite pleasant sounding at least, so doesn't annoy me at all. Catchy too. It's about as simple as an ARIA chart hit in 2016 gets but at least it's not a trop house cover. I'm amazed I still enjoy this though, I thought I would be sick of it by the time it became a hit. But despite hearing it fairly frequently on radio in 2017, it hasn't irritated me. |
| *** This song has had a peculiar chart life all things considered. When it was released, it did nothing, because how many people are really perched for a new Andy Grammer song? For reasons utterly lost on me, Spotify later gave it a big push, putting it on the big playlists, and sending it into the global top 50 chart, making this look very odd amongst the usual dance & hip hop that commonly resides. By the time it cracked the ARIA top 50, it was getting over half a million streams a week here, but about 50 iTunes sales in the same time frame, which is a classic case of a song getting disproportionately promoted to the point of arguable payola, if just because of how effective it is when there's a clear lack of invested interest being demonstrated elsewhere. As it would turn out, that would just be because radio hadn't cottoned on because they don't do that until something becomes a hit. Afterwards, all the sales woes were a thing of the past and the song exploded up the iTunes chart. As for Spotify, you could barely pinpoint when the song had become something of a national craze, as it only rose slightly more than its initial crest a couple months prior. This meant for a situation where the song that was once in the charts from almost literally streams and nothing else, was suddenly being hampered for spots in the top 10, because its streaming couldn't keep up.<br><br>My headcanon with this is that all the hip kids who listen to the popular Spotify playlists to find music cottoned onto the song and kept it for themselves, but months later they found their mums dancing to it under the back veranda and quickly deleted it and never spoke of it again. The song is not very interesting to me but this idea entertains me a lot. |
| **** Etwas nervöse Nummer, aber gut. |
| **** Für mich hört sich Fresh Eyes gemütlich an - mag auch die Stimme gerne hören. |
| **** <br>Der Amerikaner kommt hier ziemlich relaxt rüber. <br><br>2016: #50 UK |
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