| ****** She well and truly snapped. Its not at all what I was expecting but holy moses it far exceeded my expectations. She sounds great as always and that rap is a handy inclusion, and just adds another feather to her bow. Ariana really is untouchable at the moment, and hopefully this can be as big as thank u, next. Its better than that track and about on par with imagine at this stage, but will eventually overtake it I imagine (no pun intended). Last edited: 18.01.2019 06:36 |
| ****** Great song! |
| * Vervelende tegenvallende nieuwe single van Ariana. |
| ***** Gut. Nicht grossartig. Musikalisch gefällt es mir, ihre Stimme ist auch angenehm, aber ich weiss nicht, was ich für den Text empfinden sollte oder was er mir bringt. <br>4/6 für die gute Melodie.<br>EDIT: 5/6 Last edited: 09.02.2019 06:25 |
| ***** Elle m'a vraiment surpris sur ce titre. Last edited: 07.05.2019 21:54 |
| *** I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it<br>I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it ..... - das ist einfach des Guten zuviel - produzieren am Laufband bringt nicht viel... |
| *** <br>Kein Song für die Ewigkeit. |
| *** So zeitgeistig der Sound und so professionell das Musikvideo auch gemacht sein mag, lässt mich beides ziemlich kalt. Hat Guilty-Pleasure-Potential, der musikalische Erstkontakt mit mir hinterlässt aber nur einen gelangweilten Blick zur Uhr. Ich glaube auch, dass sie ihren Output ein wenig reduzieren sollte. |
| **** Kommt bei mir jetzt auf Anhieb nicht wirklich an. Da waren ihre letzten Stücke wesentlich besser.<br>Edit: habe mich an das Lied gewöhnt und setze ein Sternchen obendrauf. Last edited: 15.03.2019 19:40 |
| *** Die Bewertungen reichen von 1 - 6, aber es liegt ziemlich genau in der Mitte. Guter Albumfiller, mäßige Single. |
| ***** Eine bildschöne Frau und sehr tolle Musik<br> |
| **** ganz in Ordnung. |
| ****** mal was anderes von ihr! |
| *** Nein, sie ist wie immer auf allen Vieren. Und sie könnte mit ihrem Organ durchaus bessere Lieder singen. Schade. |
| * Niet om aan te horen die Ariana Grande.<br>En dan die domme blik van haar in de clip.<br>Ik snap van haar succes helemaal niks als ik eerlijk ben.<br>Gelukkig kom je deze ellende in de platenzaak niet tegen want het is alleen digitaal verkrijgbaar. Last edited: 25.01.2019 19:54 |
| **** Relativ unspektakulär, aber auch deutlich weniger langweilig als der Vorgänger. Der Beat gefällt mir. |
| *** Leider hält die Qualität des Songs nicht mit der Chartplatzierung mit. |
| * I can't understand what she's saying, the lyrics are trashy and the production is amateurish.<br><br>Exactly what i expected! |
| **** It's not brilliant however there is something interesting going on with this song. The production and attitude. Her fourth UK#1. UK#1 and Ireland#1. |
| * Really not a fan of Arianas newest stuff and this is no exception. Theres nothing here thats likeable. |
| * Dass diese "Musikerin" so erfolgreich ist, hat Sie nur durch ihr Aussehen erlangt. Texte sind immer gleich strukturiert und langweilig. <br>Wenn man Fan von der ist, ist man entweder ein Mädchen/Frau, schwul oder man hat keine Ahnung von Musik. <br><br>Ich erwarte Memos von aggressiven Frauen und "Männern". |
| **** gut |
| * Sie verkauft sich unterster Schublade.Schlecht.Trash vom Allerfeinsten.Aktuell hat sie ja einen kommerziellen Höhenflug,nach dem anderen.Unbegfreiflich,da ihre aktuellen Songs abgrundtief schlecht sind.Schon ihr letztes Album war kompletter Müll,bis auf 3 wirklich gute Songs(No Tears Left To Cry,God Is A Woman und Breathin) nur Rohrkrepierer drauf.Die Frau ist aktuell komplett überhyped.Ach zum Song selbst:Klingt wie eine Mischung aus Rihannas schlechtestem Song BBHMM und dem ewig gleichen Mariah Carey Gedudel,der letzten Jahre. |
| * Sie hat so viele bessere Songs! Mit diesem Song kann ich nichts anfangen! |
| *** It's not particularly good. I'm happy she's scoring proper hits but this should have happened an album ago (as in with Sweetener). |
| * Sowie jede Balade von Ariane Grande, ist auch diese eine Katastrophe! Der gibt nur Ohrenkrebs und bei diesem schlechten Beat bekomme ich den Würg Reiz! Aber das schlimmste sind diese dummen, langweiligen Videos von ihr. Die Bewertungen werden wohl (hoffentlich) weiter sinken.<br><br>Bewertung: 1.5 ---> abgerundet auf 1* Last edited: 09.04.2021 22:48 |
| *** Ariana Grande's voice is too good for rap, and this feels very contrived and unlikeable; her R&B and EDM songs from Sweetener are suitable for her rather than rap and trap, but at least she's trying something new and success-wise it is working. |
| **** Obwohl der Beat etwas hat, gefällt mir ihre Entwicklung nicht. |
| ****** Mal was anders, not so bad.<br><br>18.03.19: Bin gewillt zu erhöhen. 4 => 5.<br><br>30.09.19: Dieses scheinbar sperrige Ding hat mich jetzt beim Konzert vollends überzeugt. 5 => 6. Last edited: 30.09.2019 19:13 |
| *** Mittelprächtiges unwichtiges. |
| **** Song ist ok<br>Video top |
| ** Muffe en suffe track. Geschikt voor mainstream radio dus. |
| ** Das neue Jahr fängt so an wie das alte aufgehört hat. Uninteressanter Plastikpop regiert die Charts. Knapp 2*. |
| *** Schwach und uninteressant, aber das würde mich beim Bügeln, Haushalt oder sonstiges nicht auf die Palme bringen. bessere Lieder hat das gehypte Püppchen sicherlich. |
| ** Weiter oben ist mal wieder ein Fall von "Fragile Masculinity" ausgebrochen..<br><br>Uninteressante, langweilige Popmusik gelangweilt vorgetragen von Madame Grande. Last edited: 04.02.2019 14:29 |
| ***** Sehr lasziv, sehr gelungen und endlich wieder mal was gutes auf den vorderen Plätzen. Aber wie man sieht, können manche zwischen Proll-Rotz und Menschen die wirklich singen können, nicht unterscheiden.<br><br>US #1 Last edited: 23.11.2019 13:33 |
| ** Gefällt mir nicht. |
| *** Singen könnte sie ja schon, nur tut sie es leider in letzter Zeit kaum mehr. Aber so hatte ja schon Mariah Carey Erfolg. Ein weiterer chartsmässig deutlich überbewerteter Song. Weniger Plastik wäre auch hier ein gutes Motto, aufgerundete 3. |
| **** "7 Rings" ist ein durchschnittlicher Titel.<br>Umso mehr schmerzt es mich dass er in vielen Ländern zu ihrem besten Resulat führte... |
| *** gnädige 3*<br> |
| *
| **** Very difficult to sing because her words are so slurry to understand. But I like this, maybe my first decent song from Ariana Grande atm. |
| ***** (oops I didn't review this initially - not such a bad thing given my opinion has changed) I wasn't huge on the use of the sample to start with, so much so that it was one of my least favourite Ariana singles to date when I first heard it, but I can appreciate the catchiness of this. Even just as a take on consumerism it works really well but it does a lot musically too to be worthwhile. Edit 10/6: This is pretty much my favourite Ariana songs now, just terrific use of the sample even though it took me ages to get into. 5.25 Last edited: 10.06.2019 05:03 |
| **** Ist ganz okay Last edited: 05.07.2020 21:36 |
| ** dito remy! deshalb auch nur 2* von mir |
| ** Die Melodie gefällt mir mittelmäßig gut, die Teile wo sie rappt eher weniger, da gefällt mir der Rhythmus nicht so gut, wo sie normal singt genauso. Im gesamten Song vermisse ich leider auch einen wirklichen Höhepunkt. Zusammenfassend muss ich sagen, das ich das Lied leider etwas langweilig finde und daher nur 2 Sterne vergebe. Last edited: 19.02.2019 22:57 |
| **** Agree with nirvanamusic that there is something interesting about this. Also the use of the sample works. Actually everything about this sounds like it shouldn't work but it does somehow. |
| ****** Amazing sample paired with amazing vocals. |
| *** Don't like it. Sounds cheap and trashy :( Last edited: 21.02.2019 09:51 |
| * Müll! Man kann auf gut neudeutsch nattürlich auch "Trash" sagen - kommt auf's selbe heraus. Und im Video alles so schön rosa. Hat jemand Enkel zwischen 3 und 5 Jahren? Schön für den Kindergarten! Last edited: 23.02.2019 14:31 |
| **** Nicht wirklich gut, geht aber. |
| *** Kann nicht wirklich überzeugen. |
| ***** Erste #1 in der Schweiz und auch überall sonst ein riesiger Erfolg - mich als Fan der ersten Stunde (und noch vor ihrer Musikkarriere!) freut's natürlich sehr. Und trotzdem bin ich etwas traurig, dass das die Musik ist, die von ihr nun gefeiert wird. Ich mag "7 Rings", je nach Stimmung kommt's sogar echt gut, aber insgesamt hat sie schon zig Songs veröffentlicht, welche deutlich besser waren. Das Sample ist aber schon gut eingebaut! -5* |
| ** Belanglose Billigproduktion und nur für Fans dieses musikalischen Genres geeignet.<br> |
| **** ...gut... |
| **** 10 Leute haben an Text mitgeschrieben. Zehn!!! |
| **** I feel dirty for liking this song.<br><br>I imagine if you're reading this, you're aware of the terms 'rockism' and 'poptimism'. Rockism has existed as a term for nearly 40 years, coined in 1981 by Pete Wylie as a response to the notion that rock music is inherently superior to other genres, or that these other genres derive their value based on their proximity to rock music. That gives you notions like 'it may not have soaring solos but at least they're playing actual instruments'. That further manifests when applied directly to criticism and analysis. Music outside of the rock spectrum will be judged not on its attempted goals, but judged as if it were attempting to make rock music. Incidentally the barriers for that have loosened over the years. Initially rockism rebelled against glam rockers like David Bowie & T-Rex because they seemed to rebel rebel against the ideas laid down by Pink Floyd & Led Zeppelin, but with the rise of electronic music and hip hop in the decades that followed, they have been swallowed into the rock & roll canon. I can't help but wonder if Hanson would gain begrudging respect had they come along 20 years later.<br><br>Poptimism came up as a reaction to rockism. From what I can see it dates back no further back than 2004 with Carl Wilson's "Let's Talk About Love". In its most simple form, it calls against the rockism status quo in the critical canon. Simply put that all forms of popular music are worthy of the same appraisal as rock music, after all, it is music that is beloved and purchased en masse, so who's to say that these people's opinions are to be scrapped and ignored. It's a fairly easy idea to get behind too. One can only hear an artist derided for their 'teenage girl' fanbase so many times before thinking that maybe it's the cynical dinosaur missing the point.<br><br>Poptimism is not without its own issues though. The largest of which is the anti-capitalist notion that poptimism as a whole only serves multi-millionaire corporate stars for whom the rockist clap back is a trivial detraction that isn't worth pursuing. In a time when corporate brands are weaponising altruism for their own gain, where personal beliefs are defined by which commercial products you spend your money on. You start to wonder if all social upheaval is really brought about by the fact that corporate entities are able to exploit them for their own benefit. It would be natural to assume that's where my problem lies here, that I greatly enjoy this song by an immensely rich pop star all about how immensely rich she is, where any criticism of this fact is waived by the barrier of poptimism. It's a fair point to make really but it's not my real issue.<br><br>In addition to the traits outlined before about rockism, there's another thing about it that I haven't yet mentioned. It's the image that the rockist themselves represents. You generally get two camps of rockists. There's the older generation who genuinely lived through the era that they idealise, and the younger generation who look up to these people as inspiration. Y'know, the 'I'm 15 and I still appreciate real music' 800 likes on a Queen music video sort of person. Either way, they get generally ugly implications, which are rightly called out on. Have you ever noticed for instance how overwhelmingly cis, white, male & hetero the rock & roll canon is? There are exceptions of course, but that's usually when their alternate status doesn't get in the way. I also associate from my own experience as someone who very much embodied this whole thing when I was younger, as the image of a dude sitting at his computer, flooding comment sections with outrage at these people who are actually outside socialising and enjoying this 'nonsense music' the way it's intended. Whether it's because they feel unfairly excluded or because they wouldn't enjoy it anyway, it doesn't matter. The lonely loner seems to populate the web at night.<br><br>So the main thing I was building up to this entire review is that I honestly think poptimism is turning into rockism. It would seem that the kids who were out partying while the rockists were yelling into their keyboards have grown up, and out of touch with what their kids are enjoying. More than ever before I see absolutely furious rants from people lamenting the state of popular music, except instead of longing for rock music, the prior status quo desired is in fact pop music.<br><br>What's become increasingly clear is that so many people just don't know what to do with hip hop. In 2013 Kanye West said 'we the new rockstars', which was met with exactly the reaction you expect, but it is a pretty strikingly accurate comment in certain ways. As the years go on, hip hop increasingly dominates the social discourse. More and more people are captivated by rappers both as people themselves, and through their music, possibly because the genre's lyric heavy presentation allows for more personality to shine through. The community is generally really supportive. Rappers are getting really strong streaming numbers because the community outreach does the promo for them. If a project shows some promise or intrigue, there's excitement and the feeling that you've got to hear it and join the discourse. In the pop universe, all I ever see are stan accounts looking like robots demanding people to stream their favourite's current single. I've never been compelled by it at all because it never feels like it's in the interest of the listener, but merely to artificially inflate the millionaires' chart positions.<br><br>Back on the previous point though, with hip hop as a commercial force ahead of all other genres, it provides serious problems to upholders of the status quo. There may have been knock back to emerging pop genres over the last 40 years, but at the end of the day, the music was still relatively harmless. You can play ABBA or Whitney Houston on classic radio and the only reason anyone would bat an eye is if they've heard the songs too many times. Pop music was actually far closer to rock music than it may have seemed, because now we have hit songs filled with profanity, intentionally muddied up production, extremely intrusive producer tags, manic ad libs and generally extremely explicit content. Hip hop has of course been popular for decades ("Rapper's Delight" actually pre-dates the term 'rockism'!), but it was much easier to stay in a vague realm of being presentable. For a while the biggest hip hop hits were goofy novelties like Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer. Then we'd evolve to more serious entries which were still easily palatable due to friendly flow and pop friendly choruses (think "Gangsta's Paradise" & "Tha Crossroads"). The 2000s would provide significant upheaval as the barrier for hip hop seemed to really just be no holds barred as long as there's a poppy chorus. I am not sure if I can pinpoint a turning point for the current state of affairs. Soulja Boy's "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" is definitely noteworthy as an extremely DIY viral entity that seemed to destroy the foundations of sensibility in its wake. The song has had a fascinating re-appraisal in the ensuing years as it starts to fit in more than ever before, but it was still very much an oddity for many years. And hey, radio still begrudgingly played it!<br><br>The reason this all relates to poptimists is because they're the ones being set back from it. If you were to make the argument that pop gains its validity through its success, then that's a fleeting argument as every year, more and more pop staples struggle to come back with new music to their original fanfare. In 2018 there were a grand total of 2 Billboard Hot 100 #1 hits which did not feature a rapper on them. Even then there's generosity being given because those two, Ed Sheeran and...Ariana Grande as it turns out have both indulged in rap cadence in their music, as well as having collaborated with rappers in the past. In the road to commercial success, hip hop cannot be ignored.<br><br>Yet it is so frequently attempted to be done. While hip hop may dominate the charts through sheer unassailable volume of fanfare, it carries with it an unrivaled backlash largely because of its refusal to conform to the status quo. There's a joke in the movie "Undercover Brother" about the NBA introducing the 3-point line to give white players a chance. The Billboard equivalent of this is radio airplay. While it's rare to see a non-hip hop artist at #1 on the Hot 100, it's rare to see a hip hop artist at #1 on airplay at all. Airplay feels like a cheat code where the more palatable a song is, the more of an artificial advantage it gets. If you look at the list of the longest running top 10 hits of all time, nearly every one of them was a #1 airplay hit. Not to say they weren't popular in the other metrics, but it means that towards the tail end of their run, they were utilising radio inertia to stay higher up. At the time of writing this, 11 songs have managed more than 26 weeks in the Hot 100 top 10. 10 of those 11 are airplay monsters, the other song is "SICKO MODE", which got 1 week away from the all time record despite being pushed down by airplay every single week. Evidently you've got a song which is too unorthodox for radio and subsets of pop audiences, and yet the public can't stop lapping it up. And so all of a sudden you see those pop fans are the ones seemingly outraged on the internet about people enjoying hip hop.<br><br>Where it gets especially ugly though is when pop artists go out of their way to utilise hip hop's commercial clout for their own benefit. I don't necessarily mean the artists in this sense, but the audience. Tropes that are otherwise unpresentable garbage in the hands of rappers are suddenly okay in the hands of pop musicians. It's scarily reminiscent of the era of Pat Boone and the like, but you also tend to get really gross double standards with how the music is approached. Like how you see doled out excuses for why hip hop is bad and it's so often the same trotted out excuses of profanity or ad hominem attacks on the artist's integrity as a person. The latter could warrant its own write up on how grossly mis-used it is (with double standards no less) but at the end of the day, it's all just irrational back-pedalling to mask the fact that people just want things to be like they used to be.<br><br>You've probably heard similar things said about Ariana Grande's "7 rings". From one perspective I hear that it is outrageously 'urban influenced' (never use that u-word by the way, it's an extremely misinformed look) in its production. Never mind the somewhat uncomfortable implications of Ariana's lyric about having a weave, or the much noted accusations of mimicking the flows of Princess Nokia and Soulja Boy. If a rapper did a song like this, they would be decried for their lavish idealism (and lazy interpolation of "The Sound Of Music" because they can't come up with their own hooks), but Ariana Grande is allowed to do it and issa bop. The sample is a kind of funny thing for me because I grew up really hating "My Favourite Things"...even as a kid I found the lavish materialism unrelatable, but also the melody droned on. It might have mainly been the fault of overexposure to Big Brovaz. But now in recent years The Avalanches and now Ariana Grande have utilised it and I've not had the same issues.<br><br>But still you see I have a severe uncomfortable issue with liking this song. I often notice a lot of genre turf wars where dispute over what is the superior form of music results in people closing themselves off from those alternatives completely. You can tell someone has a deep hatred for a genre if they refuse to even give them an inch, as it's clear they're the opposition and they won't give you the same charity. I often feel uncomfortable with looking like someone who pigeonholes certain styles of music as inherently bad, so I try to be open-minded where I can. But that does mean that from my perspective, I have to pay creedence to those close-minded people I don't respect. I feel like I'm empowering them. The only benefit I get is that I get to listen to a song that I genuinely do enjoy a lot.<br><br>(this is very nearly a 5* and I may change it to that in the future). Last edited: 09.04.2019 15:27 |
| ****** Dank dem immer wieder stockenden Rap-Part gibt's eine 6 von mir! Der bleibt einfach hängen bei mir. |
| * why this fake chick is popular i don't get it Last edited: 13.06.2019 14:32 |
| **** haha i just wanted to write the same! I will never understand her Success! But i must admit it's not her worst Song! |
| **** Haarscharf keine 5. |
| * Einfach nur nervend. Haarscharf noch ein Punkt. |
| **** Nicht ihre stärkste Single aber auf jeden Fall anhörbar. |
| *** Mmmhh, interessant, denn klingt wie schnell schnell mal vom Reißbrett gezückt, doch auch sehr unterhaltsam. Hört sich aber nicht ganz fertig geschmiedet und somit etwas unrund an. Aus der Idee hätte man mehr gewinnen können und nen richtig heißen Clubfeger bringen. So blieb es im Durchschnitt hängen. |
| ** Verzichtbar |
| * Na gut, sie ist ein hübsches Mädel und was weiter?<br><br>Solange sich ein Mann das Video mit dem Song anschaut, gibt es eine schöne Puppe zu sehen, aber was bleibt übrig, wenn nur der Ton ohne Bild erklingt?<br><br>Eine schwere, unangenehme Stimme und groteske Musik, die weder eine nette Melodie, noch einen tanzbaren Rhythmus hat!<br><br>Sie gehört zu dieser Gruppe der Sängerinnen, die ihre Musik dank ihren Kurven und erotischen Bewegungen verkaufen!<br><br>Solche Sängerinnen sollen ihre Schönheit tüchtig pflegen, weil wenn sie eines Tages ihren erotischen Charme los sind, wird keiner mehr ihre pseudomusikalischen Werke kaufen wollen! |
| ***** Ganz okay! |
| ** Man gehe die Musicalbranche bestehlen und klaue "My favourite Things" aus dem Sound of Music, addiere ein bisschen zeitgemäßen Platikrap und ein wenig female Empowerment, wie es früher Destiny's Child gemacht haben: Will ich mir was kaufen, dann tue ich das selber. <br><br>Who said money doesn't solve your problems didn't have enough money to solve them... <br><br>Wer drauf steht... |
| **** I didn't instantly take to this song because of the use of "Favorite Things" which I've had enough of at this point, however I was quickly turned around by how light and carefree it is making the song so enjoyable. It's also packed to the brim with hooks, clever lyrics and catchy melodies. Ariana is an engaging and talented performer and it's particularly nice to see her doing so well and having so much fun after all the traumatic experiences she's faced over the last few years. A song like this could come across as obnoxious from many performers, but from Ariana it really feels like she's earned a good time, which this is for sure. |
| **** Hat was. Bewegt sich dennoch maximal im soliden Mittelfeld. |
| ** Ein klarer Fall von zu vielen Köchen, welche den Brei verdorben haben. Sage und schreibe zehn Leute sind hier beteiligt gewesen, doch das Ergebnis ist, gelinde gesagt, dürftig. Einwegsound ohne Seele, ohne Ausstrahlung, ohne Wucht. Einfach schlecht! |
| ** Not good. She only made this song because she wanted to brag about how rich she is compared to everyone else. |
| **** Okay |
| **** nicht so mein song |
| *** begeistert mich nicht |
| ** seelenleeres Gedudel<br><br>CDN: #1 (8 weeks), 2019<br>USA: #1 (8 weeks), 2019 |
| *** Ik ben niet fan van alles aan dit nummertje, maar het klonk zeker niet te zwak. |
| *** Sehr langweilig und die Lyrics sind mir zu kitschig, aber man kann es hören. *3<br><br>Edit: Mittlerweile habe ich eine Menge Zeug gehört, dass solide bis gut war, dass ich hier von einer klaren *3 auf eine mega knappe *3 runtergehe. Last edited: 30.01.2024 19:34 |
| ***** Einmal ein Song ein Stück neben dem Mainstream und schon gefällt es mir. |
| ** Die Frau ist so extrem talentiert weshalb ich nicht verstehe warum sowas sein muss. absolut nichts besonderes. inhaltlich wirklich sehr schwach. |
| ** Heel slecht |
| *** ▒ Ben persoonlijk nooit erg enthousiast geweest op dit plaatje uit half januari 2019 !!! Maar slecht is ook overdreven !!! (NL Top 40: 11 wk / # 9) ☺!!! |
| ** It's nothing new for the genre or the message intended, a big step backwards in my opinion of Ariana in general but I guess artistic expression and all that must be considered. Just a big pile of irritatingness for me.<br><br>P = 51 Last edited: 20.08.2022 05:43 |
| **** Sie irritiert wohl, weil sie auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen was zu bieten hat.<br><br>Die eine Ebene führt vielleicht zu Langzeitschäden bei ihr selbst, die Andere für Gesundheitsproblemen bei ihren Hörern. Allerdings: Nichts Genaues weiß man nicht.<br><br>Schon von daher brauche ich mehr Zeit, das Ganze umfassend zu betrachten.<br><br>;) |
| *** Allzu viel kann ich dem Song nicht wirklich abgewinnen. Knappe 3. |
| **** Ok R&B track van de zangeres uit Florida welke net de top 10 haalde (#9). |
| **** Never gravitated to this but its a good song nevertheless. |
| * Nein. Der Song ist einfach schlecht. |
| ** I don't understand the whole lyrical point??! |
| |