| * Ganz schlecht! Ich verstehe nicht, wieso das auf Platz 2 in den USA ist. Hoffentlich wird das keine #1! |
| ****** girl shake that laffy taffy! |
| ** SCHON BISSL LANGWEILIG, ABER NICHT SOOO SCHLIMM<br><br>inzwischen doch schlimm Last edited: 15.05.2006 10:56 |
| *** Wieder etwas zum Schütteln diverser Körperteile. Leider doch eine # 1 in den USA mit dem seltsamen Verlauf 4-1-6. Riecht stark nach Manipulation. |
| * Ja ziemlich. War der Song nicht auch #2, wie iO! gesagt hat? <br>Auf jedenfall ein schreckliches Lied, niemals mehr als 1*. |
| ** Hohler HipHop - leider fast schon ein Pleonasmus. |
| * dachte hip hop ist gleichmässig scheisse-es geht aber noch primitiver,wie hier zu sehen. |
| * Waswaswaaas? Geht`s noch?<br>Bei diesem verbalen Durchfall zücke ich die rote Karte.<br>Da ist ja selbst das Onanieren meiner Gartenzwerge noch niveauvoller. |
| **** Irgendwie hot! |
| ****** genial |
| ***** richtig!!!! |
| * Platz 1 in den USA. Unfassbar. |
| ** ??? |
| * it's repulsive, I wish this song would disappear off the face of the earth |
| * good for nothing piece of junk - not surprised this reached number one in the us. they love getting crap to #1 |
| ** und im Videoclip dieses HipHop-Tracks saugen die Damen hübsch an ihren Lutschern - naja - 2* (ich kenne noch bedeutend miesere Titel aus dem Genre)...<br><br>#29 im April 2006 in UK... |
| ** Wenig unterhaltend und ziemlich hohl. |
| * Yeah, so you can tell by the title that this song is a retarded piece of crap, and indeed it lives up/down to that expectation. The lyrics are awful, the vocals terrible and the beat annoying. Total crud. A suitable Billboard #1. |
| * Billig produziertes Pseud-Rap-Stück und völlig verzichtbar. |
| * Horrible song.<br><br>Peaked at #53 in Australia, 2006. |
| * Don't really know how this song made number-one anywhere, but knowing that now, I guess I'll just have to live with that.<br><br>What strikes me about this is how incredibly simplistic and uninteresting this song is. It was most definitely boring me in those final stages, making it a chore to listen through.<br><br>The lyrics also aren't particularly engaging either. Usually I can tolerate a song more if the lyrics, intentionally or unintentionally, were so ridiculous that they were funny, but this wasn't one of those situations.<br><br>This rating could be worth a 1* or a 2*, but I'll stick with the 1* crowd on this one, even if it isn't worth a straight 1* like other songs I knew I'd immediately be giving a 1* (SEE: Nicki Minaj - Stupid Hoe).<br><br>1.5*. |
| * Hmm, this reminds me of many things. Firstly it reminds me of "Crank That" by Soulja Boy which is not a good thing. It also reminds me of a recent song called "Don't Drop That Thun Thun" by Finatticz which is also not a good thing. I know those songs were released afterwards but I can't help but think they were inspired by this.<br><br>Anyway asides from that this is rubbish. Glad it flopped in Australia despite being a Billboard #1. |
| ** Plastik Sound...richtig schlecht |
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