Chart Beat 2024
AirCheck NZ Airplay Chart 2024
Best of 2023
Chartrun Bigger Stan Walker
AirCheck NZ Airplay Chart 2023


Entry:19/03/2012 (Position 27)
Last week in charts:19/08/2013 (Position 26)
Peak:3 (3 weeks)
Place on best of all time:167 (2184 points)
World wide:
ch  Peak: 16 / weeks: 35
de  Peak: 30 / weeks: 8
at  Peak: 11 / weeks: 24
fr  Peak: 37 / weeks: 45
nl  Peak: 29 / weeks: 41
be  Peak: 32 / weeks: 45 (Vl)
  Peak: 52 / weeks: 40 (Wa)
se  Peak: 36 / weeks: 12
fi  Peak: 50 / weeks: 1
no  Peak: 4 / weeks: 9
dk  Peak: 22 / weeks: 12
it  Peak: 25 / weeks: 45
es  Peak: 69 / weeks: 13
pt  Peak: 27 / weeks: 1
au  Peak: 2 / weeks: 44
nz  Peak: 3 / weeks: 74

Atlantic 7567-88262-8

CD Fueled By Ramen / Atlantic 7567996843 (Warner) / EAN 0075679968432
CD Atlantic 7567-88262-8 (Warner) / EAN 0075678826283
1. Some Nights (Intro)
2. Some Nights
3. Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe - We Are Young
4. Carry On
5. It Gets Better
6. Why Am I The One
7. All Alone
8. All Alright
9. One Foot
10. Stars
Bonus Track
11. Out On The Town
LP Atlantic 7567882531 (Warner) / EAN 0075678825316
LP Atlantic 7567864558 (Warner) / EAN 0075678645587

Fun.Fun.: Discography / Become a fan

We Are Young (Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe)05/03/2012228
Some Nights07/05/2012127
Carry On04/02/2013289

Some Nights19/03/2012374
All Alone
All Alright
All The Pretty Girls
At Least I'm Not As Sad (As I Used To Be)
Be Calm
Believe In Me
Benson Hedges
Carry On
I Wanna Be The One
It Gets Better
Light A Roman Candle With Me
One Foot
Out On The Town
Please Leave A Light On When You Go
Queen Of The Slipstream
Sight Of The Sun
Sleigh Ride
Some Nights
Stitch Me Up
Take Your Time (Coming Home)
The Gambler
Walking The Dog
We Are Young (Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe)
We Are Young (Havana Maestros feat. Fun.)
Why Am I The One
Aim And Ignite
Some Nights
Some Nights / Aim And Ignite
Average points: 4.59 (Reviews: 17)
Sehr interessantes Werk, ziemlich vielseitig und abwechslungsreich. Schöne Stimme, gute Melodien, gefällt mir sehr gut!
I purposely listened to "Aim and Ignite" first so this album could disappoint me, but it actually didn't! That said, it isn't as fun (herr derr) as their previous album, but it's rather excitingly produced and has plenty of strong tracks. 4.5
Nettes album
nicht schlecht...neben denn highlights: We Are Young & Some Nights fallen die anderen songs aber ein wenig ab...trotzdem nicht schlecht...
Excellent Album! A very solid production, which each track being as anthem-ic as each other, and with a Queen feeling to all. Just the intro is a bit quirky. Although it is hard to compare, these guys are basically the modern day Queen (just beating Muse to it). <br><br>Some Nights ******<br>We Are Young ******<br>Carry On *****<br>It Gets Better *****<br>Why Am I The One *****<br>All Alone ******<br>All Alright ******<br>One Foot ******<br>Stars *****<br>Out On The Town *****<br>Average - 5.5<br><br>The vocals, the sounds effects, and especially the backing music for each and every track is just flawless, and very awesome. One of the best this year!<br>
Last edited: 21.09.2012 10:14
Some Nights (Intro): *** *** <br>Some Nights: *** ** <br>We Are Young: *** *** <br>Carry On: *** * <br>It Gets Better: * <br>Why Am I The One: *** ** <br>All Alone: *** * <br>All Alright: *** <br>One Foot: *** <br>Stars: ** <br>Out On The Town: *** * <br> <br>Durchschnitt: 3,91<br><br>Da bin ich jetzt doch ziemlich enttäuscht. Nach den zwei starken Singles hätte ich VIEL mehr erwartet. Der Großteil des Albums bewegt sich im Bereich zwischen 3 oder 4, also dort, wo sich Belanglosigkeit und Nettigkeitsfaktor guten Tag sagen.<br>Ab und zu blitzt das Potential der Gruppe durch, welches insbesondere aus der tollen Stimme von Nate Ruess resultiert, aber meiner Meinung wird es nicht voll ausgeschöpft. Es wird zwar da und dort ein wenig experimentiert und Einiges klingt durchaus interessant, aber nicht immer gelingen die Experimente. Als bleibt auch für das dritte Album Luft nach oben.
Nachdem die beiden Hits in meiner Jahreswertung gelistet sind (We are young #7 und Some nights #15), musste ich mir jetzt mal das Album zu Gemüte führen.<br>Hier sind in allen Songs Qualitäten und eingängige Melodien zu verzeichnen.
I like the production and most of the vocals but there are too many let downs here - especially with the use of autotune and some unnecessarily lengthy tracks. I like the heavy drums of most of the tracks here, and the anthemic choruses, as well as the way that Fun. are able to change tempo easily and make it sound normal. I liked Why Am I The One and All Alone as well as the singles so this is a 4* for me. Decent stuff I guess. I would say avoid 'It Gets Better' and 'Stars' though.
Excellent album, every track is very enjoyable and I just love the high drama this album creates. I'm yet to listen to Aim & Ignite, but I definitely want to after how good this is!
The first half of the album exceeded my expectation while the second half was just disappointing for me.
Last edited: 15.03.2013 03:19
I find it very difficult to access the merits of the music of fun. Their work seems to be equal measure of really offputting traits (corny hooks potentially lifted from Freddie Mercury's posthumous recordings, reducing the presence of Janelle freaking Monae to a tacky four-note semi-melody, the constant use of vocoder on Nate's fine voice which can be used to great or grating effect but feels a bit unnessessary) and some traits which I really really like (their love of Kanye West's music and inspiration to make unconventional use of MPCs hence the presence of Jeff Bhasker on production, the detailed layers of confused and uncertain emotions in their lyrics discussing matters from existentionalism to self-doubt and all the other matters, possibly another example of Kanye's influence, Jack Antonoff also has a pretty neat guitar style whose frilly solos do a good on upping the rock side to their music when neccessary). Anyway while the two big singles were a bit irksome on first listen (and still are in some places) but they've grown to be enjoyable tunes I'm always in the mood for. Thankfully the rest of the record is still pretty consistent, if slightly lacking the impact of the intro + hits section. I'm nevertheless pleased by what their aiming for with their music and hope the experimentation of hip-hop sounds out of hip-hop context continues to grow. After an era ten years ago of stupidly obvious combinations of rock and hip-hop from the shitty likes of Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit, they've managed to combine the two in a way that doesn't sounds much like either normally would, and that's definitely something.
Last edited: 28.10.2013 05:26
Voor mij een fantastisch album van de Amerikaanse indierockband: "Fun." !!! Ik hou enorm van hun stemgeluid en hoop dat ze nog véél vette hits mogen scoren in Vlaanderen !!! Want persoonlijk vind ik dat ze niet het succes gekregen hebben dat ze verdienen !!! Dit album krijg van mij alsnog een dikke voldoende hoor: 5 sterren !!! ☺
Prima Scheibe.
Ganz gutes Album, der Titeltrack ist ein klares Highlight.
Last edited: 05.01.2015 11:57
<br>Starkes Album.
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