| **** Kendrick's neue Single heißt wirklich "i" - wie soll ich's anderes schreiben?<br><br>Dafür klingt sie auf eine gute Art altmodisch - sampled sie doch das alte "Who's That Lady" von den Isley Brothers ... flott und munter. |
| ****** He sounds a bit different, but I'm glad to see Kendrick Lamar back! Awesome track!<br><br>Single Version: 5.5*<br>Album Version: 5.3* Last edited: 18.06.2015 06:28 |
| ***** Je sens que ça va bien tourner dans ma playlist. |
| ***** This is strange, but in a good way. I like the sound in general.<br><br>Good to see him back. Maybe he can be the saviour of 2014.<br><br>EDIT: Just marvelous. One day I think I'm going to write a long review on why this is great (even though Hijinx has covered a fair bit of that) and have wondered why it took me so long to upgrade this song's score and why I even underrated it in the first place, but at least I can rectify this now.<br><br>4* -> 5* Last edited: 11.11.2015 13:10 |
| * ▒ ┌∩┐stront (◣_◢) vervelend┌∩┐ ☺!!! |
| ** niet veel soeps |
| * Vervelende plaat. 1* |
| *** Keinesfalls spannend, aber auch kein Grund, sich hier zu echauffieren. |
| ***** The king has returned! Got more of a radio feel to it but he flow is just unmatched. Great track. |
| **** Finde ich jetzt so schlecht nicht, hat mich überraschend schnell mit dem Rhythmus mitgehen lassen. Würde den Song auch als recht ungewöhnlich und abwechslungsreich bezeichnen, also ist das durchaus wert, zumindest mal angehört zu werden. Hier bislang klar unterbewertet.<br><br>Gute 4, mehr ist erstmal doch nicht drin. |
| ***** Nach "Swimming Pools" der zweite Lamar Song, der mich sehr überzeugt. Vielleicht sollte ich mir sein Album zulegen. |
| ** Finde ich total schlimm!<br>Einmal gehört und nie wieder! #nexttry |
| *** After I ended up quite liking Swimming Pools (Drank) I really wanted to enjoy this but it's barely passable at best. He sounds crap and I don't enjoy the song. |
| ****** In the long run I'm unsure how essential this song will be in his career, but it's nice to hear a genuinely happy rap song that has both hit potential and the absence of pop singers or white people.<br><br>Underrated this, so perfectly uplifting yet never cheesy about it. Last edited: 20.05.2015 13:53 |
| ***** An unexpected set of circumstances with the timing of this one works in its favour for me. Required a few listens to grow and it's quite a different progression. While I must say the climax is not good when stuck in traffic (it's got me a couple of times, I am SUCH a blonde :P), it's packed full of hooks that are as euphoric as they are funky. I do hope this gets the recognition it deserves as one of his most definitive tracks yet. 5.5 Last edited: 12.12.2014 15:33 |
| *** man hat hier doch einige Elemente reingenommen, so dass bisweilen der Rote Faden verloren geht
zuweilen hastig geraten 2.75
| *** Not bad, but very disappointing considering how great his previous work was. |
| ***** Une évolution légèrement pop que je cautionne sans hésiter. Last edited: 19.10.2014 15:56 |
| *** Sterk refrein maar daar houdt het ook wel een beetje bij op. |
| ** Ook in mijn ogen géén hoogvlieger, 2 sterren!!! ☺ |
| ** Niet echt mijn ding |
| ****** flott trifft's gut. starke neue single von kendrick nach seinem grandiosen "good kid, maad city"-album.<br><br>edit: geniestreich von king kendrick. Last edited: 19.01.2016 16:55 |
| ***** Yes, super Gute-Laune-Song. Mag ich. |
| * Het probleem met rapplaten is dat die bijna nooit pakkend/catchy genoeg zijn en dat is dan ook de reden dat rap/hiphop absoluut mijn genre niet is. Ook 'i' (op de een of andere reden met een kleine letter geschreven, terwijl 'I', wat 'ik' betekent, in het Engels toch echt met een hoofdletter moet) van Kendrick Lamar is weer een strontvervelende rapplaat. Gelijk in de kliko, dit nummer! |
| ***** Heel leuke single van Kendrick Lamar die hier helaas wat ondergewaardeerd wordt. |
| ** Gatver, wat een irritante stem heeft die Kendrick Lamar toch. Catchy instrumentals, maar dat is het ook. |
| *** Overrated by many, liked NOT by me. 2.9. |
| ** So gar nicht mein Geschmack. |
| ***** I know what you're not thinking, 'But wait jinx, didn't you already essentially review "i" when you reviewed "The Blacker The Berry"? Would that not make you the biggest hypocrite of 2015 if you were to lazily paste the same thing and act like you wrote two reviews?' Well I guess I'll have to make do with what I can do.<br><br>An alternative set of questions to ponder though:<br><br>Do you ever feel disrepected?<br>Do you ever feel marginalised?<br>Do you ever feel like you're born into circumstances out of your control which lead to expectations from you that can't be met because they're being set by people who don't know where you come from?<br>Do you ever feel like as a result of your circumstances, through a combination of your own lack of assertion, and the figurative boxes you're placed into, that your say is often undervalued behind those who can carelessly speak it out to a degree you're simply unable to?<br>Do you ever feel like your own talents are spread too thin for there to be any specific area to contribute to society?<br>Do you ever feel because of all of this, that you just don't fit in, and that no one truly values your existence even just to the point of caring that it is so?<br>Do you ever feel unimportant?<br><br>I don't need to lie to you through song to say a resounding 'I dooooooooo'.<br><br>But you know what? A lot of that just does not matter all that much because there's another voice in all of this: my own. Rather than be bogged down by all this negativity, all you really have to do is consider your own unique attributes. Really, just focus on the positive and then think to yourself that 3 word mantra. I think you know where I'm heading with this but nonetheless I just wanted to say 'I LOVE MYSELF!'.<br><br>Suffice to say, this is a song that TOTALLY gets this. Because that hook is not about being arrogant or narcissistic. It's all about hitting back at the people who bring you down in your life. Letting them know that they can't break your spirit. It's about finding yourself a purpose, and valuing yourself for it. The narrator in this song overcomes depression and even suicidal thoughts all internally, and that's amazing.<br><br>This song cops a bit of flack for being too far removed from "good kid, m.A.A.d city", but really, it's very much in that realm given that the overriding theme of innocence and indeed happiness being tested by surrounding evils. Sonically it is a bit different but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. Because the Isley Brothers sample here is great, and Thundercat on the bass is great too.<br><br>The song may be very direct but it needs to be, because the message is important. Considering that though, it's not like Kendrick's slacked his flow; the last verse is more than enough to say otherwise. The only shame is that it wasn't as big as it perhaps should have been. I love this song though, and I think it has really great replay value. More importantly though, once more I am just inclined to say that I love myself :) 5.3 |
| *** Geht so, nicht überzeugend |
| ** Geht so nicht . |
| ** schwach |
| ***** Da geht es mal etwas flotter zu und her, als es sonst auf dem Album zu hören ist. Gerade deswegen macht sich "i" sehr gut. Auch als Single eine sehr gute Wahl. Knappe 5* |
| ***** Awesome track! |
| **** Well it's probably the most upbeat and fun thing he has done. Quite enjoyable. |
| **** Ok.. Last edited: 06.05.2017 22:50 |
| ** Eine zwei scheint mir angebracht.*2+ |
| *** Anstrengender Song mit viel Tempo. |
| ***** Good. |
| ***** Gut |
| ***** Straffe bedoeling van deze topper. |
| **** #53 JJJ 100 2014. |
| **** Auch nach 10 Jahren hörbar. |
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