**** Upon seeing the tracklist for the album, this track had me the most intrigued because of it's unique title. I was anticpating something high drama with a fantastic story in the lyrics. Unfortunately this didn't meet all the wild expectations I'd built up for it in my head, however I did still take to it instantly. The opening verse builds drama quite quickly through the simple beat and Taylor's vocal delivery. The melody of the verses is very catchy and incredibly engaging, and only helps to heighten the drama as the chorus arrives. I do wish the chorus didn't have the "OK" shouts in the background, but fortunately they're not overly prominent; it's certainly more palatable than the way the bridge similarly uses the shouting for the final word of most lines, but in a more prominent and offputting way which really detracts from the emotions Taylor is trying to convey. It takes all feeling away from the lyrics to have random words shouted all over the place. |